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Dinton CE

Primary School

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Welcome to Kingfishers Class!


Our teacher is Miss Boyagis and our teaching assistant is Mrs Southern. We are a mixed class of 28 Year 3/4 children.


We have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays

Reading books and records must be brought in daily. Children should be reading at least 4 times a week with an adult.

If possible, children should be completing at least 10 minutes of timetable practise a day. 

Spellings will be set every Monday, to be brought back the following Monday.

Year 3/4 spellings:

Year 3 and 4 Spelling Words

Spelling practise game can be found here: 



English homework is set on a Monday and is due on Thursday.


Maths Homework is set on a Thursday and is due on Monday.




Week starting 15th April 2024


Please ensure children are coming to school with coats and jumpers so that they can stay warm. 


Welcome back! I hope you've had a wonderful Easter break and managed to dodge the showers. 


In English, we are finishing our topic on Wolves in the Walls. Our SPaG focus this week is pronouns. We will be consolidating prefixes in spellings.


We are continuing with fractions this week:

Year 3:  understanding the whole, comparing and ordering non-unit fractions, fractions and scales and fractions on a number line.

Year 4:  number lines with mixed numbers, compare and ordering mixed numbers, understanding improper fractions and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.


Both year groups will apply their understanding to reasoning and problem solving.


Please keep the learning of the times table goings at home as well as in school. I am really impressed with the children who are regularly using TTRS and their scores are really improving!


Year 3 will continue with x3

Year 4 will now learn x12


Science topic: Data Collection

This week, we will be counting the books we have in the classroom and comparing the results to the data from the spring term.  


Geography topic: What are rivers and how are they used?

This week, we are learning about the water cycle. 


Computing topic: Data Handling

This week, we are learning the important terminology around data. 


Design and Technology topic: Wearable Technology

This week, we are investigating and evaluating different examples of wearable technology. 


RE topic: How and why do believers care for others and the world?

This week, we are recapping the Christian Creation story. 

Dinton Park - Nature Walk

Orienteering Final 2023


Members of Kingfisher class attending the final of the Wiltshire Orienteering competition. It was held at Daunseys and we managed to dodge the weather for the children to run the course. It was a little tricky due to the new technology and only one team completed the course with no errors using the electronic system however all the children were absolutely fantastic sports ambassadors for the school.

Iron Age Residential - June 2023


Kingfishers had an amazing time heading back in time to the Iron Age for their residential in Cranborne. They enjoyed washing and chopping vegetables for their meals as well as making butter and bread. 


Outside activities included mining for chalk so this could be ground into a powder then mixed with water and hay to make a daub. The daub was used to repair a wall and make bricks. 


We "slept" overnight in a Long House on wooden boards covered in sheepskins. If you want to see more then check out our gallery below:



Making pasta and pasta sauce

Kingfisher class spent the last morning of term making fresh pasta from flour and eggs. They learned that you need 1 egg for every 100 grams of flour. Children experimented making their own pasta including farfalle, tagliatelle and penne! They also made their own sauce using tomatoes, basil, onion and slightly too much garlic.

Thanks to chef Telford and Southern for their help.

Enjoy the slideshow below

Performing ‘Don’t’ by Michael Rosen

Still image for this video

World Book Day

Log Cabin: Marshmallows and Story
