Critical incidents
We request that all parents keep the school informed of any changes to 'phone numbers and other important information. Each child has an 'Emergency Contact Form' which we encourage parents to keep up to date. These forms are used should your child become ill during the school day for example.
Handling crises and dealing with difficult 'incidents' on a daily basis are to some extent a normal part of school life. However, there are occasions when schools experience incidents of a significantly more extreme nature. What seems to distinguish these incidents is their nature and scale, and it is this type of occurrence which has come to be termed a 'critical incident'.
What is a critical incident?
Although the concept of a critical incident is difficult to precisely define, we regard it to be an 'unexpected occurrence, which may suddenly have a major impact on our school'.
We view critical incidents as situations or crises that are beyond the everyday experiences of our school life and which are distressing to a significant number of adults and children.
If the school has to deal with a 'critical incident', procedures outline in the school's Critical Incidents Policy will be followed.
Lockdown Procedures
We do have, and practice procedures for having an internal lockdown if there was a scenario that required us to do so.
If the school needs to be evacuated, the children and staff will take refuge in Dinton Village Hall in Bratch Lane, Dinton. This is the designated safe area should a critical incident occur.