Parents information

Parents in partnership

We welcome parents and carers into our school believing we are partners in the education of your children.

There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the work of the school. Parents’ time and expertise can be used in many ways in school and is greatly valued.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are carried out on all adults helping in school. If you are ever able to help, especially on a regular basis, please contact your child’s teacher.

Communication with parents

The school communicates with parents/carers in various ways e.g. newsletters, questionnaires, interviews and informal evenings. Information is also placed here on our website, so please check back regularly. If you would like your newsletter electronically, please let the office have your email address and you can be added to the list.

All parents/carers are invited to Friday Celebration Assemblies (normally at 2.40pm every other week) whether your child is receiving an award or not, and there are regular parents consultation evenings. You are also invited to attend the winter and summer sports days, open days/evenings and children’s performances throughout the year. There are many other opportunities to meet governors and staff, both formally and informally.

The school has in place a Home/School Agreement and involves parents where possible in policy decisions.