Pupil progress and feedback

As parents, the primary concern is to know how your child is getting on, with work and socially, so below you will find the key times when you will be invited into school.


We hold Parent Consultations Evenings at the end of Term 1 / start of Term 2 where parents are invited into school to meet with their child's teacher for a formal discussion about their work and the progress they are making. The main focus for these meetings is the child's achievements in the core subjects of reading, writing and maths although there will also be an opportunity to discuss progress in other areas of the curriculum. There is also an opportunity to see children's work at this meeting. 


We provide parents of children in Years 1 to 6 with a detailed written report  in March each year. This report outlines the achievements that the child has made across the curriculum and provides key targets in English and maths for them to work on during the remainder of the academic year.

A Parent Consultation Evening is held after the reports have been issued. This meeting is mainly aimed at parents who would like to discuss their child's report in more detail with the class teacher or who may have a query about their child's progress. We do not expect all parents to attend this consultation evening.

Parents of EYFS children do not receive a written report in the Spring and will therefore be invited into school to discuss their child's progress with the classteacher.


We provide parents of EYFS children with a detailed written report in July each year. Parents will also be given the opportunity to see their child's ‘learning journey’ at the end of the school year. Parents of children in Years 1 to 6 will receive a short written report outlining the progress they have made in the second part of the year as well as results of the Year 1 Phonics check and Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments as appropriate.

At any time of the year, if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s work or time in school, you are welcome to ask for an after-school appointment to discuss matters with your child’s teacher or with the Headteacher. You are also entitled to see any data held in school about your child’s attainment. This request must be made in writing and the school is allowed a reasonable period to collate the information before passing it on to you.

The way in which we communicate progress throughout the year is an area which we strive to improve, so if you have any ideas or feedback then please do not hesitate to let us know via your class teacher, a governor, or directly to the Headteacher.