Dinton Dozen - Our approach to personal development

Each year at Dinton, we look to provide and encourage children to take part in different experiences which will stay into their memory long into adulthood. We have always given children opportunities to do new things such as the Lion King production in 2023 but from September 2024 we want to organise this offer in to 12 experiences that we want all children to experience and grow from.

These experiences are the Dinton Dozen.

Dinton School has a unique wellbeing programme called the Dinton Dozen. 


It unlocks opportunities and breaks down barriers to ensure that everyone at our school is able to Succeed.  The Dinton Dozen allows pupils and staff to publicly flourish, be inspired and inspire others.  It is focused on more than academic achievement and enables all our school to celebrate what they can achieve and be proud of it. 


Our programme for 2024/25 includes the challenge or opportunity:


  1. To regularly attend a club or activity in or out of school
  2. To collect a street tag.
  3. Do something to support the environment
  4. Travel to school or somewhere in a sustainable way.
  5. Visit a museum or art gallery
  6. Visit place of worship – somewhere older than 100 years
  7. Community act. E.g. litter picking
  8. To take responsibility for improving something
  9. Have a role in school worship
  10. To be a champion for a good cause
  11. Do something for charity
  12. To represent Dinton


These challenges and opportunities aim to help us develop our Christian and British values while living healthily and being good global neighbours.

As an individual, children will receive praise and rewards in celebration worship. As a school, we will use this work to ensure that we:

  • Achieve Eco-School status
  • Achieve Healthy School (silver)
  • Achieve a Global Neighbours accreditation from UNICEF.
  • Maintain our Music Mark and School Games Mark.