
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has an important role to play in safeguarding children.

School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, to prevent concerns from escalating. Schools and their staff form part of a wider safeguarding system for children.

At Dinton we are committed to the well-being and safety of all our children and we will always adopt a sensitive and caring approach to support them and their families.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means:

  • Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
  • Preventing harm to children’s health or development ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

What is Child Protection?

Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

Safeguarding at Dinton CofE Primary School

At Dinton, we work to our values to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, has a right to equal protection from harm.

Paula Page is the Dinton’s Safeguarding link Academy Councillor and works with the school safeguarding team to support and sustain a safe and child-centred culture across all our school.

Dinton’s Safeguarding Team's Contact Information and Policy

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Andrew Howard

01722 716221

Out of hours - 01985 801060

Contact method for out of school hours or term time:

Out of hours

Children/Students can seek support via Childline on 0800 1111. The phone call is free and it is a confidential helpline.

Click here to view all of our safeguarding and child protection policies and documents

At Dinton, we are aware of our Prevent Duty and staff are trained frequently with annual updates. 

Click here to see our Prevent Duty Risk Assessment

Click here to see our response to any reports of Sexual Violence Harmful Sexual Behaviour and Sexual Harassment

Operation Encompass

Our school receives information from Wiltshire Police in the event of any of our pupils experiencing or witnessing domestic violence or abuse. This information is shared as part of Wiltshire Police’s ‘Operation Encompass’ programme, aiming to ensure schools can offer support to these pupils when needed.

Wiltshire Police aim to share this information with us before the next school day, following a domestic incident, so that we can be ready to support the pupil on their arrival to school. Wiltshire Police also confirm with school whether or not the pupil is aware of the incident, so that decisions can be made around whether or not explicit or more discreet support can be offered.

In the event of an incident taking place outside of Wiltshire, the relevant Police Force dealing with the situation will pass the information to Wiltshire Police, who will then inform school via Operation Encompass.

Links to the relevant parts of our curriculum can be found here:

  • Our British Values Curriculum
  • Our Safeguarding Curriculum

If you have a concern about a child

If a child is in immediate danger, call 999. The Police will assess the situation and take the appropriate action to protect the child.

If you are a parent or another adult who has concerns about the safety of one of our children/students, please contact Mr Andrew Howard, our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If the child is not at immediate risk, contact your local child protection services. Their contact details can be found on the website for the local authority the child lives in. Wiltshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub can be contacted on:

Many people worry, “What if I am wrong?” but if we take a child-centred approach to safeguarding, we should all be asking, “What if I am right?” By raising a concern, you could be protecting not just one child, but future children. Whenever you are worried, whether it’s a big or little worry, always tell someone who can help.

In England, the Department for Education is the government sector responsible for all child protection policy. On a local level, local safeguarding partners such as the police, the local authority and designated safeguarding groups are in charge of managing any complaints or issues and ensuring that the principles of the Children Act are upheld.

Dinton CE VC Primary School is committed to ensuring all of our children are safe at all times. The designated teacher for child protection is our head teacher, Mr Howard. In his absence, our Y5/6 teacher, Mrs Andrews is deputy designated teacher. Should you wish to speak to our safeguarding governor, please email Mrs Page via her email address below:

Role Name Email
Designated teacher (DSL) Mr Howard
Deputy Designated teachers (DDSL)

Mrs Andrews

Safeguarding governor Mrs Page

Alternatively, please contact any of our safeguarding leads via the school office (01722 716221).