Health, safety and wellbeing

First, it is essential that the school has all appropriate emergency contact telephone numbers in case a child becomes ill or has an accident during the day. We need to be able to reach you or a family member. This information should be provided on the School Registration Form or at the New Starter session before your child starts school.

If your phone number changes, please inform the school as soon as possible so that we can update our records.

If a child doesn't feel well, they should not attend school that day. An unwell child doesn't learn well. If they have an illness that is contagious, they present a grave risk of passing on infections to other children and teachers and in a school it doesn't take long for illnesses to spread. We understand this can cause scheduling problems but strongly appeal to you to keep your child at home and let us know that they will be absent.

If we discover a child is poorly whilst at school, you will be asked to come and pick them up immediately. Meanwhile, it would be very helpful to make sure your child develops the habit of covering their face when sneezing or coughing, using tissues to blow their nose and regularly washing their hands.

Head Lice

Head lice among children are common and easily spread from child to child. It is not a sign of poor hygiene in any child that contracts them. Head lice are simply tenacious in a school environment as they get transferred from one child to another. Since lice eggs have an incubation period of two weeks, it takes great diligence to rid a child of them. We strongly encourage a regular regime of head lice precautions. This primarily involves combing your child's hair with a very fine tooth lice comb typically during bath time. Children should attend school while they are being treated for head lice.


If your child gets hurt during school, the incident is recorded in an accident book describing who, what and where it happened and any action taken by staff. You will be informed of any serious incidents. Any minor cuts and grazes are given immediate treatment. For any serious bumps or scratches, we will call you immediately and discuss whether they should be collected and taken  home. School staff have First Aid training.

Administration of medicines in school

It is always preferable for the main parent or carer to administer medicines although we realise this is not always practicable when a child is at school.

The Head Teacher will ensure that staff are aware of the school's policy and practice on administering medicines to pupils and of any pupils with known medical problems.

Consent forms for parents requiring medicines to be administered to their child at school must be completed and signed before any medication can be given by a member of school staff. Consent forms are available from the school office.


The school takes its responsibility for the safekeeping of your children very seriously.

Unless you are delivering a child to their classroom in the morning, all visitors should enter the school via the front door.

If the main parent or carer is not collecting a child, this should be noted in the contact book with the name of the person who will be collecting the child. We will not allow a child to go with an unauthorised person.

Please make sure that the contact number we have for the main parent or carer is up to date and that if it is a mobile telephone number it is one for a telephone that is switched on regularly!