


We aim to provide all pupils with the learning opportunities and challenges that will allow them to reach their full potential and to be prepared for life-long learning '

This statement determines everything we do at Dinton Primary, using the Kapow computing Scheme and the platform, and our own core values in unison we have created a scheme tailored to the needs of our children.  We see computing as both a key skill within school, and a life skill to be utilised through everyday experiences.  Our curriculum equips our children with the tools to apply knowledge learnt over time to a variety of contexts that they will come across in their academic learning and later in life.

Computing is taught as a progression beginning in the Foundation Stage where the children work to achieve 'Early Learning Goals' in Knowledge and Understanding of the World, progressing to upper KS2 who are developing skills to take them on to secondary school. Computing is taught for one hour per week with 4 themes being revisited across KS1/2.

Through Computing lessons children learn how to communicate responsibly and safely in a range of different technological ways.  They require diligence and resilience as they learn how to use and apply knowledge they have learnt.  Through application of programming skills they have developed they have to problem-solve in a variety of different situations and scenarios.  Children are encouraged to support one another’s learning in the classroom, therefore growing their team work skills.


The school has 16 laptops and 12 desktops which classes use for Computing lessons, as well as to support learning in other areas of the curriculum. The school also has 26 ipads to support learning across the curriculum. Children need to be able to use and apply the knowledge that they are taught in order to embed their understanding, so Computing lessons are predominantly practical.  Children are encouraged to use their Computing skills across the curriculum in order to both re-enforce these and to enable the development of their understanding of the purpose and power of technology in all areas.

Computing is delivered through specific units of work, as well as by exploring and developing links and topics that children encounter in their learning of other subjects.  Planning sometimes links computing to other subjects. E.g. use of keys in science and branching databases in Y3/4 Curriculum is successfully delivered in a way that builds on prior knowledge and promotes long-term retention of learning.


Through the delivery of our curriculum, children are able to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science including coding, connecting with others, communicating and collecting data.  They can analyse problems in computational terms, and can use their knowledge and skills to write programmes to solve these problems.  They are also responsible, competent, and safe users of information and communication technology.