
Eagles is a delightful class of hardworking children who are making the most of all the many opportunities available to them.

Mrs Andrews is the class teacher - she really enjoys teaching Years 5 and 6 and has years of experience with these age groups.  We are very lucky to have Mrs Southern as our TA.

In addition to English and Maths, the children study a wide range of cross-curricular topics. In History, their research includes the World War II and the Ancient Greeks - with a visit to Tisbury by train as an evacuee and creating a Greek temple in their classroom! In Geography, the children study the Rainforests in North and South America! 

Outdoor pursuits are encouraged in Eagles class with children experiencing the delights of a 3 day residential to Portland where they take part in kayaking, raft building, coasteering and many problem solving activities resulting in lots of team building!! A 3 day residential to London where the children take in the sights of our capital city is also held.  They experience a variety of enjoyable landmarks such as Westminster Abbey, Tower of London and The Houses of Parliament.  A trip to the theatre to see Lion King was a 'Wow' factor for everyone!

We also participate in a whole range of sporting activities, including, tag rugby, athletics, cricket, hockey, high 5’s, football and the Mini Marathon.


Monday 8th to Monday 15th July 2024 

With the last two weeks of the school year being exceptionally busy, I am focusing on the subject content we will be covering in the next fortnight..  

Year 6 parents, please make sure you have replied on ParentMail for your to join us for 'Sparkle and Shine!' on Thursday 11th July.  We will have a really amazing time!

Sports Day will be on Friday 12th July starting at 11.00am on the school field.  Track events will move over to the Rec in the afternoon.  Year 6 Leavers Service is on Wednesday 17th July in the school hall.  I hope you will be able to join us for an emotional afternoon!

Please send in a bag for the children to bring home pieces of work including art - thank you.


This week, we are researching and planning out balanced argument: Should children be able to wear what they want to school. 


Year 5:  Negative numbers:  understanding negative numbers, count through zero in 1's and in multiples, comparing and ordering negative numbers and finding the difference.

Year 6:  Algebra:  solving 2-step equations, finding pairs of values and solving probems with two unknowns.  Creating a mathematical board game to share with the younger children at our school.

Science:  Reversible and irreversible change:  investigating changes that can not be reversed.  This focus will be the irreversible change of acid. 

History:  who will be the focus of the new £10 note?

 Art: Craft and design:  to create art in a photorealistic style.  To apply an underdtanding of photography to design and recreate a famous painting.







General Documents Date  
KO Art Photo Opportunity 30th May 2024 Download
KO History Unheard Histories 30th May 2024 Download
KO Science Plastic Pollution 30th May 2024 Download
KO Science Reproduction 31st May 2024 Download
KO Science Irreversible and Reversible changes 31st May 2024 Download
KO RE Keeping the five pillars what difference does it make to Muslims 31st May 2024 Download