
Week Beginning - Monday 24th June 2024

We had a really lovely day last week at the West Wiltshire Schools Dance Festival.  The children were all amazing and we're so proud of how well they performed on the big stage, in front of a large audience.

This week we have class photos on Monday.

Wednesday is another exciting day when we will be visiting Longleat.

On Friday afternoon we will be welcoming a visit from the new children and their parents who will be starting in Reception in September.



The children have been learning phase 5 sounds.  This week they will learn au, ey (money), a-e (made) and e-e (athlete)

Year 1

The children are currently learning alternative sounds eg. all the different ways of reading an 'ai' sound.  This week they will be learning that 'i' can be ee in words such as elite and police.  Ough making 'o as in so', our making the ur sound and re making the ur sound as in theatre.

Year 2

During the week, Year 2 will be re-capping the alternative sounds with Year 1. 


Reception children have been writing about Pirates and beaches, with lots of Pirate stories.

Year 1 & 2 have been working on a non-fiction piece of work based on the athlete 'Florence Joyner' known to many as FloJo.


Reception - Understanding position, building and mapping

Year 1 and Year 2  have just started a new unit on 'Position and Direction'



We start a new topic learning about plants and bulbs. This week the children will explore a variety of plants and whether they grow from a seed or a bulb. We will also be planting in our veg bed.

Religious Education

What makes some places special to believers?

On Friday we visited St Mary's Church in Dinton and the children will be learning more about churches and other places of Worship over the next few weeks.



We are part way through our Topic of 'What's it like to live by the coast?'   this week we will be looking at special features of Weymouth.


Our new art topic will take us on a journey of colour. This week we look at exploring textures, icluding going out in the school grounds to use natural materials in our artwork.


Changing Me - how our bodies change as we grow up. 


Mrs Askew will be taking the class for Music each Tuesday morning.

Physical Education

Coach will take the class for PE each Tuesday afternoon. This term will focus on fundamental skills and games.

Could we also remind you:

  • Spellings are given out on Fridays and tested on the following Friday.
  • that your child should be reading regularly at home in order to consolidate the sounds and words that they have been learning in school during the week, through regular reading, they will also become more fluent readers without having to sound out each word in a sentence.
  • Water bottles should only contain water, not squash, juice or flavoured water.
  • With the warmer weather finally heading our way, children must have a sun hat with them for playtimes and particularly lunch-times and it would be advisable to have sun cream applied before school.

Miss Wheatley and Mrs Harvey